Myofascia spreads throughout our body. It is the thin layer of connective tissue that covers all of our internal parts: muscles, joints, bones, organs blood vessels. It binds some structures together while allowing others to slide over each other. It can be envisioned as a continuous layer throughout our body interconnecting everything:. For example, my physiotherapist described a situation working with a cadaver which had had a camera inserted into the foot: ostensibly to show the working of the tendons. To the assembled surgeons she manipulated the fascia at the top of the thigh and delivered a response in the foot. It is composed of 40% collagen and a lubricating ground substance, primarily water and to see fascia for yourself, next time you have a chicken or piece of meat, begin to gently peel it apart and you will see the fascia between the layers of tissue. It is known that fascia is responsible for pain that occurs in other areas of the body subsequent to an initial injury in one area that is apparently unconnected: so called referred pain. But if you the view that fascia is totally interconnected throughout out body, then this feature becomes more understandable. But Fascia is much more than a connective tissue, it holds our emotional memory and physical trauma and the attendant energy that accompanies such trauma. In response to trauma fascia can become hardened, stuck and dehydrated and the net effect is that as water is forced out, fascia becomes hard and gel-like and the collagen fibres shorten and stick together. Pressure is placed on the surrounding structures and more collagen is produced in response, leading to denser areas of hard fascia. The short, hardened fascia puts pressure on the surrounding capillaries, tissues and nerves causing pain, exhaustion and immune system issues. Releasing myofascia is essential in the recovery of a wide variety of physical injuries and further helps release the emotions and trapped energy. Yoga, deep massage and specific myofascial release exercises all can release fascia, reducing pain and unbinding the emotions and energy. During the myofascial release process, the cells become rehydrated and natural anti-inflammatory agents are produced, next unwinding of the myofascia takes place which releases the habitual holding patterns within the body. Finally, the fascia “rebounds” and is experienced as gentle waves moving within the body and dissolving all the tensions and holding patterns. Fascia also exists in three layers from superficial to deep, and while an initial release session has a significant effect, other sessions are required to reach the deeper levels of fascia. This has occurred for me during the BBTR process, with a noticeable slow, sinuous, unwinding movement that encompassed the whole of my body and which was accompanied with the release of emotions such as rage, anger and fear. Following the release, there was such a sense of relaxation and my body began to move in waves which accompanied the pleasure, it also allowed me to reset my autonomic nervous system to a more natural setting and handle ongoing stress and potentially manage future stress. By understanding the role of myofascia in our physical, emotional and intimate lives, we can understand why Myofascial release is another important technique in de-armouring the body, releasing tensions within the body, enabling energy and pleasure to flow and resetting the nervous system. Whatever method you use, bring myofascial release into your yogic and exercise practice, or book a BBTR session and experience the liberation.